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Hi, I'm Jasmyn Hoa Tang, a Toronto-based Certified Personal Trainer, Yoga Teacher, and Fascia Stretch Therapist (FST). My passion is to empower individuals to enhance their strength and well-being. I'm dedicated to equipping my clients with the physical readiness to tackle their daily tasks effortlessly, enabling them to lead a pain-free and fulfilling life.


Whether you're new to fitness or a seasoned enthusiast, I collaborate with individuals of all ages and proficiency levels. My expertise extends to clients dealing with intricate medical conditions and injuries. I tailor your unique fitness regimen with a holistic mind-body perspective on strength training, drawing from over 14 years of personal training experience and 20 years as both a yoga practitioner and instructor.


Semi Private


I provide a range of personal fitness training services that encompass Fascia Stretch Therapy (more about FST here), general strength training, prenatal and postnatal fitness, postural assessment and correction, strength training tailored to address various orthopaedic issues like osteoporosis, osteopenia, scoliosis, arthritis (including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis), as well as addressing knee, hip, back, and shoulder pain. I also offer pre-surgery prehabilitation and post-surgery rehabilitation services, along with yoga fitness sessions.





(near Bathurst St & Saint Clair Ave West)

Private: $125/hour

Semi-private(2 people): $85/person/hour

FST: $125/hour

Hybrid(Training + FST): $175/90mins



Private: $150/hour

Semi-private(2 people): $100/person/hour

FST: $150/hour

Hybrid(Training + FST): $200/90mins


Ask about session packages for special discounted rates.


Book a complimentary fitness consultation now




"I started with Jasmyn when she was a trainer at the JCC and stayed with her when she went out on her own and started seeing her for twice-weekly sessions. We have been working together for over 6 years. By way of background, I am now 91 and in good shape for that age – but still, 91 is 91. Each week our first session involves fascia stretch therapy (FST) – which means a lot of pulling and stretching of the joints and limbs. I believe that this is the reason that I can still stand up straight and remain reasonably flexible. The second session each week involves strength, flexibility, balance and – above all, for me at least, cognitive exercises. There is no doubt that at my age I am ‘losing it’ (fragmented memory, lost connections etc.), so I consider her ‘muscle/brain’ exercises to be vital for my long-term well-being. Jasmyn is patient, good humoured, respectful and an outstanding teacher. Her ability to match exercises to my body and mind so that I stand up straight and function at a reasonable level of physical and mental ability is outstanding!! I highly recommend her!"

Earl B.

"I started working with Jasmyn in June 2022. I'm in the sunset side of my 60s and had an overall poor level of fitness. In that time, my stamina has improved, my posture has improved, my fitness has improved, my balance is better, my outlook is better. I like that every session is different and that I am never over-faced with an exercise, even when I'm not certain I can achieve it. Jasmyn's quiet confidence in my ability and her great instruction are what keeps me coming back every week."

Wendy S.

"I've been going to Jasmyn for a few months and it has been amazing to have her as a trainer, she is calm and patient and always listens to me and my issues or worries. Due to some health conditions, there are days where I don’t feel as strong, or I’m stiffer than usual, or in a bit of pain, and during those days she is quick to think up a different routine that will not only still get me the exercise I need but will also help me with my stiffness and pain. I also love the fact that she has no problems explaining to me why certain muscles hurt or how they work together for an exercise.


She is an amazing trainer and an amazing teacher, and so far, I have learned so much from her. Now anytime someone tells me they are looking to join a gym or find a trainer I always recommend Jasmyn."

Ana S.

"I worked out at my gym with Jasmyn for 5 years. During that time she introduced barbells and heavy weights into my routine which made a huge difference in my fitness level and strength. The workouts were always challenging but took into account my areas of weakness. Jasmyn was always very supportive and encouraged me to push past my limits, but always with my safety and comfort level in mind. During the pandemic I have continued, on my own, to do many of the routines that I first did with Jasmyn at the gym. She is also an amazing practitioner of yoga. I have worked with a number of personal trainers over the years and none of them approach her level of professionalism and effectiveness." 

Ruth F.


"When I started working with Jasmyn, I was 57 with severe osteoarthritis in both knees and many related physical problems including inflammation, Baker cysts, nerve pain, and poor circulation. It hurt to walk, go up and down stairs, and to sleep - I was in chronic pain. Biking and swimming helped but I wasn’t getting any better and some things were getting worse. 


I started weekly weight training with Jasmyn and slowly but surely my pain reduced and I began to feel stronger all over. The stronger my body became, in particular my legs, hips, glutes, and abs, the less pain I had, and my flexibility and mobility improved dramatically. It’s been a life changer. I no longer have chronic pain and all physical problems have improved.


Jasmyn’s coaching is evidence based; she concisely explains everything, answers questions, and has a solution for any physical pain or tension. She knows an endless amount of exercises, stretches, yoga poses, and weight training for the whole body. If one doesn’t work for you, she has many more to try!


Jasmyn is very kind, tuned in, gentle, flexible, encouraging, and pushes exactly when needed. She has this unique capacity to gently support you while encouraging you to do more than you think you can. And then you discover how much you really can do, and that’s amazing for your health and well being. I highly recommend her!"

Kali M.


"Jasmyn has been my personal trainer twice a week for over a year. I came to her after a year away from the gym because of breast cancer treatment. Jasmyn did an excellent job of determining my needs and she very carefully guided me back to my pre treatment levels of strength and cardio fitness. I have put my complete faith in her.

I have some neuropathy in my feet as a result of my treatments. I also had some shoulder and wrist pain after such a long time of inactivity. Jasmyn designed my program with these needs in mind. Every workout is different, balanced and fun. She always helps me understand why I am doing each exercise and how the exercises go together to build overall strength and functionality.

Exercise is a very important part of my life and with Jasmyn guiding me it is something I really look forward to every week."

Mary Ann B.


"Jasmyn’s expertise and approach have been a great fit for me. In the two years we have been working together, I have gained strength and endurance, and I feel more energetic and less pain. I feel freer and have more confidence in moving and working out because she has taught me a great deal about what is safe to do, what is essential to do, with osteoporosis.


Jasmyn brings a wealth of knowledge that becomes more and more evident as we work together. Her experience with yoga, for example, brings another dimension that might just be what the body needs to heal and move forward on a given day. She very skilfully adapts the exercises to where I am at on any given day: her approach is very alive.


Jasmyn is gentle and yet firm in her approach. She has shown me many times that I am capable of more than I realize: she has surprised me!  Nothing is forced upon you. But … you work! And the benefits are amazing!


I have complete trust in Jasmyn and recommend her very highly to anyone looking for a partner on the fitness journey."

Brigid B. 

"I first encountered Jasmyn when I attended a ‘Yoga for Back Pain’ course. I had been working with a trainer specifically to help alleviate my back pain, which I knew entailed strengthening my core, but I had had little satisfaction. Realizing Jasmyn’s remarkable talents and manner, I asked her after the first class if she could become my personal trainer, a move that I have never regretted. Jasmyn’s been my trainer, COVID permitting, for close to three years and I am as happy with her now as I was at that first class.


Jasmyn’s credentials reveal her deep and broad training as well as her expertise, all of which becomes evident in her practice. I always feel confident with her recommendations given her knowledge and, moreover, given her ability to explain the value of each exercise, the importance and function of each muscle, each movement etc. Jasmyn takes the time and interest to understand the conditions and limitations as well the possibilities for each client; we are treated as individuals for whom customized progammes and routines are created.


Jasmyn is gentle but always manages to get me to work harder, do more and lift something heavier than I anticipate; her ‘mat side’ manner is impeccable. My back pain has lessened, and I am stronger than when I began with Jasmyn. I enjoy her company and am always treated with respect and warmth. I cannot speak highly enough of Jasmyn." 

Jackie S.


"I came to the gym as a post physiotherapy patient with the goals of rebuilding my strength, flexibility and endurance. Jasmyn Hoa Tang was assigned to me specifically because of her training in rehabilitation. As a rehab patient, I was aware that re-injuring myself was a very real possibility. By the end of our first training session I was confident that this would not happen.


I have been working with Jasmyn for over a year now and I can not imagine working with anyone else. She is everything one wants in a personal trainer. Her knowledge enables one to understand the purpose of each exercise, getting the most out of every pull, push, twist and hop. She is firm (but not a drill sergeant), unbelievably patient, and last but not least, very good natured. With Jasmyn’s guidance I am achieving my goals. I can strongly recommend her."

Evan T.


"I was in my late 60s when I started to work out with Jasmyn. I have poor balance and coordination, and I have been self-conscious about my physical abilities throughout my life.  Jasmyn had the perfect combination of encouraging me to try exercises I thought I couldn’t do and understanding my challenges with some of them.  With her help, I became much more fit and confident about my physical abilities."

Judy W.

“We’ve been training with Jasmyn for more than 10 years. She’s a taskmaster, but in a good way. You can always do more than you think, and she knows how to get results without harm. Which is a good thing, because between middle age, tennis injuries, and pandemic stiffening, we have a lot to deal with! Jasmyn’s vast knowledge of physiology and rehabilitation, combined with her sense of humour and preternatural calm, makes us feel we are in good hands. And she gets results — it’s amazing what you can do with a kettle bell and some stretchy bands in a park during Covid!” 

Margaret H. & Bettina V.

"I have been training with Jasmyn for several years. She has helped me develop muscle, balance and general fitness. I am very grateful to her for being very aware of my particular situation — I have to deal with scoliosis and also long-term effects of chemotherapy. She is very sensitive to my particular condition and has developed a personal  program for me." 

Charles H.

"Jasmyn gently nudged me to achieve levels of strength that I never thought possible. Barbells became my passion until Covid shut down gyms.  She is also the first person to help me overcome decades of bad posture. She is expert at assessing your physical condition and designing a program that works for you. There is no cookie cutter, one program fits all to her approach."

Sandra S.

"I started working out with Jasmyn about four months after having open-heart surgery and a minor stroke at the age of 65. She set up a rehab program that was specially designed for me and my needs at the time. Under her guidance, I was able to regain the physical strength and stamina that I'd lost through the surgery and stroke. In fact, after working with Jasmyn for six months, I was able to fulfill a long-standing ambition and climb Croagh Patrick, a mountain and pilgrimage site in County Mayo, Ireland. Without Jasmyn's wise guidance and attention to my individual needs, I don't think I'd ever have made it to the top of the mountain. 


Jasmyn seems to have an instinctive appreciation for when to push and when to relax. Her workouts are challenging without being overwhelming. And even though she takes her job seriously, her pleasant demeanour makes working out with her a joy rather than a burden.


Based on my experience, I can recommend Jasmyn as a personal trainer without reservations."

Edward O.


"Five years ago, when I told the gym receptionist I was heading to my first training session with Jasmyn, she smiled and said, “She’s going to kick your butt.” 


And she has. Using her considerable expertise to lead me through a tough workout that varies with each session, leaving me feeling straighter and stronger in my 60s.


Invariably, just as my brain says I can’t do another rep, a quiet voice says, “Four more.” And I push on, determined to please her.


At the same time we’ve become good friends, sharing laughs as I lift weights and do yet another set of squats or lunges.  Working with Jasmyn has been the best present to myself, ever."

Cynthia D.

Weight Lifting


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